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:: Volume 6, Issue 2 (2020) ::
pgr 2020, 6(2): 141-156 Back to browse issues page
Investigation of General and Specific Combining Ability and Genetic Analysis of Different Traits of Bread Wheat under Non-Stress and Drought Stress Conditions
Mohammad Zabet * , Amir Ebrahimzade , Zohreh Alizadeh , Ali Reza Samadzadeh
Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran , mzabet@birjand.ac.ir
Abstract:   (17095 Views)

The production of new and compatible cultivars to different environments is one of the most important goals for the breeders. The crossing new cultivars and the selection of superior genotypes for desirable traits among their offspring is a method that has always been used by breeders. 28 genotypes obtained from the crossing of a 7 × 7 one-way diallel experiment consisting of seven parents (Alvand, Anfarm9, Chamran2, BC Roshan, Qods, Ofogh, local variety Sorkh-dane) and their 21 hybrids were investigated in a randomized complete block design with three replications in the research field of the Faculty of Agriculture of University of Birjand (Iran) under non-stress and drought stress conditions. The analysis of variance showed a significant difference among genotypes for all traits. Mean squares of GCA and SCA were significant for all traits under non-stress and stress conditions, so, there were additive and non-additive components of heritable variance in all traits. The BC Roshan parent had the high combining ability and Ofogh parent had the lowest combining ability in most traits in non-stress and stress conditions. In both conditions, BC-Roshan × Chamran2, Sorkh-dane × Qods and Ofogh × Anfarm9 hybrids had the highest yield and yield dependent traits. Hayman's variance analysis showed that component a (additive genetic diversity), component b (dominance genetic diversity), component b1 (heterosis), component b2 (heterosis specifically for each parent), and component b3 (specific dominance deviation per cross) were significant in both conditions in all traits.The Hayman's analysis confirmed the results of Griffing's analysis.

Keywords: Additive effects, Diallel, Dominance effects, Griffing analysis, Hayman analysis
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Molecular genetics
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Zabet M, Ebrahimzade A, Alizadeh Z, Samadzadeh A R. Investigation of General and Specific Combining Ability and Genetic Analysis of Different Traits of Bread Wheat under Non-Stress and Drought Stress Conditions. pgr 2020; 6 (2) :141-156
URL: http://pgr.lu.ac.ir/article-1-154-en.html

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