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:: Volume 8, Issue 1 (2021) ::
pgr 2021, 8(1): 17-28 Back to browse issues page
Assessment of Genetic Diversity between Different Accessions of Calotropis Procera with ISSR Molecular Markers
Saeid Navabpour * , Ahad Yamchi , Sasan Golcheshmeh
Department of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, Faculty of Plant Production, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran , s.navabpour@gau.ac.ir
Abstract:   (8297 Views)
The present study was performed to classify and study genetic diversity between Calotropis procera accessions from different regions of Kerman province (Iran) using ISSR markers. In total, DNA from 14 plant samples with nine ISSR primers was amplified by PCR and their banding pattern was obtained. The primers showed acceptable polymorphism (35.93) and minimum and maximum polymorphic information content (PIC) of primers in this study were 0.11 for ISSR9 primer and 0.41 for ISSR3 and ISSR8 primers, respectively. Genetic similarity based on Nei index was varied from 0.405 to 0.745 and the lowest genetic similarity was found between J3 (Related to Jiroft) and D2 (Related to Dosari) and the highest genetic similarity was found between J1 and J2 (both of them for Jiroft). By using UPGMA cluster analysis, samples divided into four groups, and the second and third groups contained more accessions. In terms of genetic similarity, two accessions of Jiroft 1 (J1) and Jiroft 2 (J2) which classified in the same cluster were closer. Also, the accessions collected from Anbarabad were at a longer genetic distance than other accessions. Principal coordinate analysis also showed that the first and second components justify 67 percent of obtained genetic diversity. In general, ISSR markers were useful for classifying Calotropis procera accessions and according to the obtained information about existence of genetic diversity between Calotropis procera accessions of Kerman province, this diversity could be useful in the future for breeding and production of Calotropis procera.
Keywords: Polymorphism, Genetic resources, Genetic distance, Medicinal plant, DNA marker
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Molecular genetics
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Navabpour S, Yamchi A, Golcheshmeh S. Assessment of Genetic Diversity between Different Accessions of Calotropis Procera with ISSR Molecular Markers. pgr 2021; 8 (1) :17-28
URL: http://pgr.lu.ac.ir/article-1-183-en.html

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