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:: Volume 7, Issue 2 (2021) ::
pgr 2021, 7(2): 65-82 Back to browse issues page
Investigation of genotype × environment interaction and seed yield stability of rapeseed genotypes in cold and mild cold regions of Iran
Bahram Alizadeh * , Abbas Rezaizad , Mohammad Yazdandoost Hamedani , Gholamhossein Shiresmaeili , Farshad Nasserghadimi , Hamid Reza Khademhamzeh
Oil Crops Research Department, Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran , ba.alizadeh@areeo.ac.ir
Abstract:   (9854 Views)
The genotype × environment interaction is a major challenge in the study of quantitative characters because it reduces yield stability in different environments and also it complicates the interpretation of genetic experiments and makes predictions difficult. In this regard to analysis of genotype × environment interaction and determine the yield stability of winter rapeseed genotypes in cold and mild cold regions of the country, 9 lines and 4 cultivars were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications in six experimental field stations (Isfahan, Hamedan, Karaj, Kermanshah, Khoy and Zarghan) during 2015–2017 growing seasons. Results of combined analysis of variance indicated that the effects of environments, genotypes and genotype × environment interaction were significant, suggesting that the genotypes responded differently in the studied environment conditions. So, there was the possibility of stability analysis. The Nafis cultivar and BAL-92-1 line with seed yields 4086 and 3829 kg.h-1, respectively, were better than overall mean and had lower ranks and rank variance than others. According to the results of stability analysis using Eberhart and Russel method, the BAL-92-1 line with higher seed yield than overall mean and regression coefficient equal one (bi=1) was identified as the genotype with high general stability for all regions. Based on the simultaneous selection method for yield and stability (YSi), the lines of HW-92-1, BAL-92-1, HW-92-1 and Nafis cultivar with the lowest values were stable, whereas lines BAL-92-4, HW-92-2, HW-92-3 and Ahmadi cultivar with highest values were unstable. Also, based on the SIIG index, the lines of HW-92-1, BAL-92-1, BAL-92-6, BAL-92-11 and Nafis cultivar with having high SIIG value as well as higher seed yield that total average were recognized as superior genotypes from the point of stability and seed yield. Finally, BAL-92-1 line with high yield and broad adaptability was selected as superior line for supplementary studies to introduce the new commercial cultivar in cold and mild cold regions of Iran.
Keywords: Broad adaptability, Eberhart and Russel method, SIIG index, Winter rapeseed
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Population genetics
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Alizadeh B, Rezaizad A, Yazdandoost Hamedani M, Shiresmaeili G, Nasserghadimi F, Khademhamzeh H R. Investigation of genotype × environment interaction and seed yield stability of rapeseed genotypes in cold and mild cold regions of Iran. pgr 2021; 7 (2) :65-82
URL: http://pgr.lu.ac.ir/article-1-198-en.html

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