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:: Volume 8, Issue 1 (2021) ::
pgr 2021, 8(1): 95-114 Back to browse issues page
Evaluation of grain yield stability of lentil genotypes using non-parametric methods
Samaneh Akbari , OmidAli Akbarpour * , Payam Pezeshkpour
Department of Plant Production and Genetic Engineering, Faculity of Agriculture, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran , akbarpour.oa@lu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (8475 Views)
The challenge of the interaction of genotype × environment is one of the main issues in plant breeding. Various statistical methods to estimate the interaction of genotype × environment and choice the stable and productive genotype(s) have been introduced. In this study, 14 lentil genotypes along with two controls (Sepehr and Gachsaran cultivars) were evaluated during four growing seasons (2016-2020). The experiments were conducted in a randomized complete blocks design in three replications at Sarab Changai Agricultural Research Station, Khorammabad (Iran). The combined analysis of variance was used to investigate the interaction of genotype × environment, and results of the analysis showed significant effects for genotype, year, and genotype × environment interaction. Genotypes G5 (FLIP2014-032L) and G12 (ILL8006) were introduced based on Si(1), Si(2), and NPi(1) statistics as stable and high-yielding genotypes. Based on various non-parametric statistics, genotypes G5 (FLIP2014-032L) with a mean grain yield of 1574.68 kg.ha-1 and G12 (ILL8006) with a mean grain yield of 1333.6 kg.ha-1 were introduced as stable genotypes. The heritability rate was estimated on the plot mean basis for yield trait in four years (0.61 ± 0.18) which indicated the capability of the studied genotypes to be selected and improved for grain yield. Based on the results of cluster analysis, the genotypes were divided into three main clusters. The highest distance was observed between the second and third groups. The first cluster included highly stable genotypes.
Keywords: Genetic variety, Cluster analysis, Non-parametric, Yield
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Population genetics
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Akbari S, Akbarpour O, Pezeshkpour P. Evaluation of grain yield stability of lentil genotypes using non-parametric methods. pgr 2021; 8 (1) :95-114
URL: http://pgr.lu.ac.ir/article-1-221-en.html

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