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:: Volume 2, Issue 1 (2015) ::
pgr 2015, 2(1): 35-44 Back to browse issues page
Study of Genetic Diversity Among Some Rainfed Bread and Durum Wheat Genotypes, Using SSR Markers
Reza Mir Drikvand * , Asma Khyrolahi , Asa Ebrahimi , Mohammad Rezvani
Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Islamic Azad University Khoramabad Branch, Khoramabad, Iran
Abstract:   (26608 Views)

In this study, genetic diversity of 25 rainfed bread and durum wheat genotypes were assessed using 20 SSR primers that all of them were generated scorable bands. Totally 69 alleles (ranged between 2 allele for Xcfd40 and Xgwm369, and 5 allele for Xbarc54 primers per each locus), were distinguished. Polymorphic information content (PIC) for all SSR primers was calculated. The highest (0.98) and the lowest (0.64) amount of PIC was pertained to Xcfd40 and Xgwm30 primers, respectively. Based on similarity matrix, the highest and lowest genetic similarity was belonged to Seri82 and Seri (0.86) and Sita/chil and Baviacora (0.14), respectively. Cluster analysis could distinct spring and winter wheat genotypes and as well as bread and durum wheat genotypes. It was concluded that SSR marker was suitable for evaluation of genetic diversity in rainfed wheat genotypes. This genetic diversity can be used in wheat breeding programs.

Keywords: Polymorphic information content, Genetic diversity, Rainfed wheat, SSR
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Plant improvement
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Mir Drikvand R, Khyrolahi A, Ebrahimi A, Rezvani M. Study of Genetic Diversity Among Some Rainfed Bread and Durum Wheat Genotypes, Using SSR Markers. pgr 2015; 2 (1) :35-44
URL: http://pgr.lu.ac.ir/article-1-41-en.html

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