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:: Volume 2, Issue 2 (2016) ::
pgr 2016, 2(2): 47-56 Back to browse issues page
Assessment of Genetic Diversity among Wheat Genotypes of West Iran, Using Randomized Markers
Ali Darvishian , Ahmad Ismaili * , Farhad Nazarian-Firouzabadi , Reza MirDrikvand , Tahmasb Hosseinpour
Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran
Abstract:   (21795 Views)
Plant breeding is selection of advanced genotypes and its progress depends on correct evaluation of genetic variation. Among different selection procedure, molecular markers have a good potential for evaluation of variation. In this research, RAPD molecular markers were used to evaluation of genetic diversity among 25 wheat cultivars and advanced breeding lines. Genomic DNA was extracted from leaves by Dellaporta method and 30 primers were used for PCR amplification. Results of Primers led to 200 storable electrophoretic bands which 130 of them (65%) were polymorphic. F4 and A18 primers produced the greatest and lowest band, respectively. Cluster analysis was performed based on band presence (1) and absence (0) using Jaccard coefficient similarity and UPGMA method. Similarity coefficient ranged from 0.22 to 0.87 with an average of 0.64. The highest similarity (0.87) was observed between Azar2 and Sardari and lowest similarity (0.22) was observed between Seimareh and BAVICORA. With cut of line on 0.72 in dendrogram, 6 main groups were clustered and other genotypes were clustered in different group. Regarding to the high similarity among these genotypes, it is necessary to develop the wheat germplasm in related research centers.
Keywords: Genetic similarity, Genetic diversity, Wheat, RAPD
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Plant improvement
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Darvishian A, Ismaili A, Nazarian-Firouzabadi F, MirDrikvand R, Hosseinpour T. Assessment of Genetic Diversity among Wheat Genotypes of West Iran, Using Randomized Markers. pgr 2016; 2 (2) :47-56
URL: http://pgr.lu.ac.ir/article-1-47-en.html

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