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:: Volume 2, Issue 2 (2016) ::
pgr 2016, 2(2): 73-82 Back to browse issues page
Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Three Yarrow's Wild Masses in Hormozgan Province Using Morphological Traits
Ensieh Taheri , Reza Shirzadian-Khorramabad * , Gholamreza Sharifi-Sirchi , Atefeh Sabouri , Khadijeh Abbaszadeh
Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran
Abstract:   (23679 Views)
Yarrow plant or plain short type yarrow, known as Achillea wilhelmsii C. kock, belongs to Asteraceae family. The present study was conducted in order to evaluate three different yarrow populations for determination of their genetic relationship, using morphological traits in the form of nested design as completely randomized with ten replications. General heritability of all traits ranged from 98 to 100, indicating a high heritability for these traits. The highest coefficient of genetic variation belonged to root diameter (1.66), indicating the existence of hifh diversity among genotypes. The lowest coefficient of genetic variation belonged to leaf length to width ratio (0.36), suggesting a low level of variation for this character. Based on PCA analysis, the first two components justified almost 90 percent of total variations. The three populations were nearly separated according to biplot analysis. Also, cluster analysis confirmed the biplot results and the populations were identified as three separated clusters which reflect the apparent difference among yarrow populations. The results of this study showed a wide genetic diversity for evaluated populations with regarding measured traits in Hormozgan province. Aforementioned findings indicated a dormant potentials of native yarrow populaton in south Iran and high value of these resources and obviously more attention need to be paid to identify, maintenance, assessing and apply them in breeding programs.
Keywords: Cluster analysis, Correlation coefficient, Morphologic markers, Achillea
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Plant improvement
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Taheri E, Shirzadian-Khorramabad R, Sharifi-Sirchi G, Sabouri A, Abbaszadeh K. Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Three Yarrow's Wild Masses in Hormozgan Province Using Morphological Traits. pgr 2016; 2 (2) :73-82
URL: http://pgr.lu.ac.ir/article-1-49-en.html

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