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:: Volume 11, Issue 1 (2024) ::
pgr 2024, 11(1): 0-0 Back to browse issues page
The Evolution of The Genetic Diversity for Tomato’s Cultivars and Promising Lines Through CBDP Marker
Sahar Amiri , Hooman Salari * , Alireza Etminan
Department of Production Engineering and Plant Genetics, Faculty of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran , hooman.salari@razi.ac.ir
Abstract:   (329 Views)
Tomato is the second important vegetable in the world. Therefore, disclosure the germplasm variation as a precursor for its breeding is highly valuable. The study was conducted to assess the genetic diversity in a collection of tomato germplasm including previously cultivated cultivars, currently being cultivated and promising tomato lines in Iran. Polymorphism analysis between cultivars was performed via 20 CBDP primers. The primers amplified 406 genomic fragments, of which 215 bands showed polymorphism and the average percentage of polymorphism was 51%. The average index of polymorphic information content (PIC) and resolving power (Rp) were estimated as 0.30 and 4.49, respectively, which indicated the relatively appropriate efficiency of the primers' used. The genetic distance between the pairs of studied cultivars according to the Jaccard Coefficient ranged from 0.16 to 0.54 and its average was estimated as 0.38. The lowest and highest genetic distance were observed in Matin and Sana with a value of 0.16 and Hypeel 303 and 693 with a value of 0.54, respectively. Cluster analysis based on the Jaccard distance coefficient and the Neighbor Joining algorithm divided the cultivars into five groups. It is relatively consistence with the results of the analysis to the principal coordinates which showed that the first two components explained 15.04% of the total changes. In conclusion, this research showed that there is to some extent low genetic diversity among the Tomato's cultivars in Iran, while the primers which used revealed the polymorphism between them competently and separated them thoroughly. Based on the indices calculated to evaluate the efficiency of primers, CBDP18 and CBDP12 primers showed better efficiency in differentiating the studied genotypes. Based on these results, the use of diverse genetic resources and development of new varieties is necessary to mitigate vulnerability and the risk of epidemic disease such as fungal pathogens in tomato cultivation.
Keywords: Commercial variety, Genetic diversity, Gene targeting marker, Solanum lycopersicum L.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Molecular genetics
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Amiri S, Salari H, Etminan A. The Evolution of The Genetic Diversity for Tomato’s Cultivars and Promising Lines Through CBDP Marker. pgr 2024; 11 (1)
URL: http://pgr.lu.ac.ir/article-1-298-en.html

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Volume 11, Issue 1 (2024) Back to browse issues page
پژوهش های ژنتیک گیاهی Plant Genetic Researches
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