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Genetic Diversity Structure of Aegilops cylindrica Accessions Revealed by Genomic ISSR Markers (34200 Views) |
Identification of Genomic Oregions Controlling Iron Concentration and Content in Shoot of Barley in A × B Doubled Hoploid Mapping Population (33894 Views) |
Investigation the Heritability and Gene Effects on Yield and Some Agronomic Traits of Maize (Zea mays L.) (33566 Views) |
Molecular Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Relationships of Barley Landraces Based on Microsatellite Markers (32966 Views) |
Estimation of Genetic Parameters of Grain Yield and Some Agronomic Traits in Bread Wheat Using Diallel Crosses (30630 Views) |
Estimation of Genetic Parameters of Morphological Traits in Rainfed Durum Wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) using Diallel Method (30370 Views) |
QTL Mapping of Phosphorus Concentration and Content on Shoot of Barley (28861 Views) |
Application of ISSR Molecular Markers for Genetic Diversity Study of Some
Tobacco Genotypes (28619 Views) |
Detection of QTLs Associated to Some Grain Traits in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Using Association Mapping (28601 Views) |
Physiological and Phenological Variability and Heritability of Some Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Cultivars and Genotypes (28196 Views) |
Expression of Recombinant Chimeric EspA-intimin Protein in Nicotiana tobaccum for Oral Vaccine Development (27079 Views) |
The Study of Relative Gene Expression of Key Genes of Terpene Biosynthesis in Tissues and Different Developmental Stages of Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) Genotypes Using Real-Time PCR (27079 Views) |
Investigation of Genetic Diversity Among Some Iranian Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) Landraces, Using ISSR Markers (26519 Views) |
Study of Genetic Diversity Among Some Rainfed Bread and Durum Wheat Genotypes, Using SSR Markers (26375 Views) |
Investigation of Heritability of Morphological Traits and Genetic Diversity among Rainfed Barley Genotypes Using Molecular and Morphological Markers (25847 Views) |
Cloning, Transformation and Stable Expression of a Fusion of Human Interferon Gamma and bar Genes in Tobacco Plant (Nicotiana tobaccum cv. xanthi) (25822 Views) |
Investigation of Heritability and Genetic Diversity among Tobacco Genotypes using ISSR Markers and Morpho-Physiological Traits (25808 Views) |
Gene Expression Pattern of Key Genes in Menthol Biosynthesis Pathway in Different Organs of Peppermint (Mentha piperita) (25795 Views) |
Investigation of Thymus spp. Karyotypic Diversity in Different Regions of Iran (25300 Views) |
Study of Genetic Diversity, Heritability and the Correlation of Different Traits in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Related to Alfalfa Weevil (Hypera postica Gyll.) Damage in Alfalfa Germplasm (25159 Views) |
Genetic Diversity and Structure Analysis of Oily Sunflower (Helianthus annuus
L.) Based on Microsatellit Markers (25089 Views) |
Investigation of Esterase and Peroxidase Isozymes in Improved and Iranian Landraces of Alfalfa and Their Relationships with Agronomic and Morphological Traits (24776 Views) |
Isolation of Linalool Synthase and Pinene Synthase Genes from Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) Medicinal Plant (24471 Views) |
Manipulation of Starch Biosynthasis and In Planta Biopolymer Production (Review Article) (24316 Views) |
Study of Phylogenetic Relationships and Genetic Diversity of Plantago ovata Ecotypes using Morpho-Phenological Traits and ISSR Markers (23699 Views) |
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Most Downloaded Articles |
Application of ISSR Molecular Markers for Genetic Diversity Study of Some
Tobacco Genotypes (9834 Downloads) |
Application of DNA Molecular Markers in Plant Breeding (Review article) (8056 Downloads) |
Manipulation of Starch Biosynthasis and In Planta Biopolymer Production (Review Article) (7696 Downloads) |
Expression Analysis of Hv TIP2;3 and Hv TIP4;1 in Sensitive and Tolerant Barley Genotypes Under Salinity Stress (6491 Downloads) |
The Study of Relative Gene Expression of Key Genes of Terpene Biosynthesis in Tissues and Different Developmental Stages of Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) Genotypes Using Real-Time PCR (5281 Downloads) |
Genetic Diversity Structure of Aegilops cylindrica Accessions Revealed by Genomic ISSR Markers (5205 Downloads) |
Expression of Recombinant Chimeric EspA-intimin Protein in Nicotiana tobaccum for Oral Vaccine Development (5121 Downloads) |
Detection of QTLs Associated to Some Grain Traits in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Using Association Mapping (4931 Downloads) |
Gene Expression Pattern of Key Genes in Menthol Biosynthesis Pathway in Different Organs of Peppermint (Mentha piperita) (4722 Downloads) |
Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Three Yarrow's Wild Masses in Hormozgan Province Using Morphological Traits (4617 Downloads) |
Study of Genetic Diversity Among Some Rainfed Bread and Durum Wheat Genotypes, Using SSR Markers (4517 Downloads) |
Investigation of Thymus spp. Karyotypic Diversity in Different Regions of Iran (4446 Downloads) |
Cloning, Transformation and Stable Expression of a Fusion of Human Interferon Gamma and bar Genes in Tobacco Plant (Nicotiana tobaccum cv. xanthi) (4338 Downloads) |
Evaluation of Genetic Variation and Parameters of Fatty Acid Profile in Doubled Haploid Lines of Camelina sativa L. (4194 Downloads) |
Molecular Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Relationships of Barley Landraces Based on Microsatellite Markers (4129 Downloads) |
Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Styrian Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo var. styriaca) Populations, Using ISSR Molecular Markers (4069 Downloads) |
Genetic Diversity and Structure Analysis of Oily Sunflower (Helianthus annuus
L.) Based on Microsatellit Markers (4036 Downloads) |
Estimates of Genetic Variance Parameters and General and Specific Combining Ability of Morphological Traits, Yield and Yield Components of Maize Hybrids in Normal and Salt Stress Conditions
Generation Mean Analysis for Several Agronomic and Physiologic Traits in Bread Wheat under Normal and Water Deficit Stress Conditions (3790 Downloads) |
Identification of Drought Stress Responsive Proteins in Susceptible Genotype of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) (3779 Downloads) |
Study of Genetic Diversity, Heritability and the Correlation of Different Traits in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Related to Alfalfa Weevil (Hypera postica Gyll.) Damage in Alfalfa Germplasm (3768 Downloads) |
Application of Variance Components Estimators in Plant Breeding (3669 Downloads) |
Investigation of Heritability of Morphological Traits and Genetic Diversity among Rainfed Barley Genotypes Using Molecular and Morphological Markers (3642 Downloads) |
Expression of cryIAb Driven by a Wound Inducible Promoter (MPI) in Tomato to Enhance Resistance to Tuta absoluta (3592 Downloads) |
Investigation the Heritability and Gene Effects on Yield and Some Agronomic Traits of Maize (Zea mays L.) (3568 Downloads) |
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Guidelines for Reviewers ( 5694 view) |
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Aims and Scopes ( 4792 view) |
Manuscript Review Process ( 4520 view) |
welcome ( 822 view) |
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COPE ( 1814 print) |
About the Journal ( 1160 print) |
Contact Information ( 1118 print) |
Editorial Board ( 1082 print) |
Indexing and Abstracting ( 1048 print) |
Submission Instruction ( 1044 print) |
Publication Ethics ( 1040 print) |
Guidelines for Reviewers ( 1004 print) |
Manuscript Review Process ( 990 print) |
Aims and Scopes ( 888 print) |
welcome ( 472 print) |
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